然而,因為用拼音寫「熊」是 "Hung"(粵語發音),所以會講英文的人大部分會理解為「你們的穿梭巴士司機有一個非常大的陰莖」!
另一個例子是這個常用的詞語 "hung jury",意思是「未能作出裁定的陪審團」,可是也有「陪審團的成員們都有大的陰莖」的意思。
很多外國人很喜歡到叫龍洞的地方去玩。而且我們不得不笑,因為用拼音寫 "Long Dong",這個名子是「長屌」的雙關語喔!
從前有一個叫淳于髨的人,人很幽默,口才又好, 常會用有趣的暗話來勸告君王,使君王樂於接受勸諫而不生氣。
There once was a man named Chun Yu-Kun, a quite humorous and eloquent man, who often used interesting words with hidden meanings to exhort noblemen, enabling them to take delight in accepting the advice without incurring their anger.
Qi Wei-Wang was a wise and able king. However, after taking the throne, he nonetheless became absorbed in wine and women, neglecting to manage the important affairs of the kingdom—so much so that his officers became indolent and shirked their responsibilities. Even the feudal princes of nearby countries began to encroach upon the kingdom.
Wei-Wang liked to use indirect metaphors when explaining matters so as to demonstrate his intelligence and wit. Chen Yu-Kun knew this about Wei-Wang, and thus planned to use this method to counsel him.
有一天,淳于髨去見威王,對他說。。「大王, 有個謎語想請您猜猜看。。都城中有隻大鳥,住在宮廷理已足足三年,既不振翅飛翔,也不鳴叫。請問大王您知不知道這是什麼鳥呢?」
One day Chen Yu-Kun went to see Wei-Wang, telling him, "Great King, here is a riddle that I would like you to try to guess: In the midst of the city walls there was a great bird. This bird had lived at the palace for 3 years, but had not as yet flapped it wings to take flight, nor had it ever chirped. Please tell me, Your Majesty, do you know what bird this is?"
Wei-Wang listened, discerning that he himself was being satirized by the riddle. Therefore, he said to Chun Yu-Kun, "This bird did not fly then stop; as soon as it began to fly, it then soared to the heavens. This bird did not chirp then cease; as soon as it began to sing it amazed everyone."
From then on, Wei-Wang started to rectify the situation in the Kingdom. Indeed, not long thereafter the country came to grow mighty and prosperous.
我特別喜歡喝用新鮮的豆的咖啡. 我在家把咖啡豆自己研磨, 但是好品質的全咖啡豆, 我有時候找不到.幸運的是, 我家附近有一家賣咖啡豆的商店. 在那裡連我最喜歡的哥斯大黎加豆都賣 :-)